Well, I'm not really sure. There are a few things I wish I would have done differently. Quite a few in fact. Number one, I planned my party for Saturday, March 10th. So in order for everything to be just as fresh as possible I decided to do all of my baking on Thursday and Friday, maybe pick up a few loose ends on Saturday early. But life had other choices for me. I woke up Thursday morning in pain, a lot of pain. By the end of the day, many tears, Tylenol and hours curled up on the couch with the heating pad, I finally passed that demon little kidney stone that hurt me so badly. So Friday was my baking day. Thank goodness I woke up feeling fairly well and ready to hit the kitchen in full force. I was on my feet for over 19 hours that day. By the time I laid down (early the next morning) sleep came and went quickly. I was too anxious to do very much sleeping, so I just got up and started at it again. Since I had lost an entire day I wanted to get as much done as possible. I'm so happy I wrote down EVERYTHING I would need and made my trip to the grocery store days in advance. I didn't have a car on the day of the party and don't know what I would have done if I ran out of something needed. Timberlyn, my oldest daughter, came over around 10:00am to help. Her and Shelby, my youngest daughter, did their best to 'work with me'. But I'm such a stickler for details and of course, I have my own way of doing things, so they mostly just got in my way. Lord knows I love 'em to pieces, but OCD rules my life. A little later my brother Michael and my sister Rosie got here. They calmed me down so much just by being here. Rosie has always had that effect on me though. I don't know why, but she does. Then my middle daughter, Melody showed up. Hail hail, the gangs all here!!!
Then the guests began to arrive. Melody was having a jewelry party in the living room (total chaos) and most of my guests stayed in the dining rooms or kitchen. I think right at 30-31 came for me. Most of those were either family or church family. I was so pleased (and honestly a little shocked) that so many showed up. I saw some friends I haven't seen in a long time and I was very happy to see them.
The turn out was good, the orders, not so much. But I have to start somewhere and perhaps word of mouth will get me some more orders soon.
I'd like to do this again ... sometime soon. I think I'll have to ask around and see what others think. Next time I'll give myself a few more days to bake and I'll have a lot more to chose from. I didn't run out of anything. Came close. I just don't think I had enough options. But everyone seem to walk away satisfied and most of them were carrying plates of goodies with them.
All in all, I have no real complaints. Thanks to all that came, ate and just hung out for awhile.
These are the little menus I made and the plates full of goodies. I can't count how many times I had to refill these plates. But that's a good thing.
Until next time ...
The bottom picture looks yummy send some to me.